Do You Know That You Are Flawless?

Ahhh, marital bliss….Could be an oxymoron, but one would pray for one’s marriage to truly bling-n-blossom with bliss.

Same can be said for relational bliss… Right?

“Right” being the magical word. As in, “I’m right.” But of course, ideally, you wouldn’t want to have to say that. What you wish for is for your spouse or your friend or relative to say, “YOU are right.”

Hubster and I have an ongoing joke with each other whenever one of us says, “You were right about that.” If we catch each other, whoever heard it will say, “Wait, what did you say?” To which the other will eat crow and repeat, “You were right about that.”

Why is it so hard to tuck tail and admit the other was right? Uh, that would be because our friendly foe called Pride tells us otherwise.

We want to be right.

We need to be right.

We need to show whomever we’re talking with, “It’s my-way-or-the-highway, turkey.”


But….for marital bliss, or any relational bliss to bling-n-blossom, you’ve got to dump those lies.

There’s freedom in not having to be right all the time. Maybe, just maybe, your friend or spouse could have a point.


When Lynn Reese visited our Bible study recently, she taught us about humility. The chapter we studied from Liz Curtis Higgs’ It’s Good to Be Queen: Becoming as Bold, Gracious, and Wise as the Queen of Sheba is simply entitled “It’s Good to Be Humble”.


Lynn said, “The prescription for humility comes from the inside out.” As in the heart….Hello?

She added, “Humility is not thinking about yourself at all.” Just try that in your next conversation. Piece of cake? I don’t think so. Way worth the effort, tho’!

Finally, Lynn had us listen to an amazing song by Mercy Me called “Flawless”. We will go over some of the lyrics in a minute, but what plead for you to do is to take the time (four fabulous minutes) to watch the YouTube.

The visual will open your eyes to how we are all good-n-bad, workaholics, battling bad attitudes, guilt ridden, doubtful, suffering with an illness, struggling with an addiction, you-name-it, we are all flawless because of the cross.


Hubster and I watched this YouTube over breakfast the other morning with tears streaming down our cheeks. (Spoiler alert:   When you do watch this, do not be shocked by the paint all over the band members! Watch how it’s removed….It’s the big, beautiful point of the song…) Three million, eight hundred thousand, four hundred and ninety-three people so far have watched this…

FLAWLESS” BY MERCY ME  (Official Music Video)

Let these lyrics soak in:

“There’s got to be more

Than going back and forth

From doing right to doing wrong

‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are

Come on get in line right behind me

You along with everybody

Thinking there’s worth in what you do…

Then like a hero who takes the stage when

We’re on the edge of our seats saying, “It’s too late…”

Well let me introduce you to amazing grace…


No matter the bumps

No matter the bruises

No matter the scars

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless

No matter the hurt

Or how deep the wound is

No matter the pain

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless


Could it possibly be

That we simply can’t believe

That this unconditional

Kind of love would be enough

To take a filthy wretch like this

And wrap him up in righteousness

But that’s exactly what He did


Take a breath, smile and say

Right here, right now, “I’m ok…”

Because the cross was enough


Then like a hero who takes the stage when

We’re on the edge of our seats saying, “It’s too late…”

Well let me introduce you to grace, grace,

God’s grace”

No matter the bumps

No matter the bruises

No matter the scars

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless

No matter the hurt

Or how deep the wound is

No matter the pain

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless


No matter what they say

Or what you think you are

The day you called His name

He made you flawless

He made you flawless”


Friends, we don’t need to always be right, we do need to be right with God.

I Peter 5:6 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.”

Liz Curtis Higgs says, “God humbles us so we will know our place and willingly receive His gift of grace. Then we can ‘draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the FULL assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.’” (Hebrews 10:22)

May we all REJOICE that we are indeed, flawless!!!

‘Til next time!