Why We Need More Iron in our Diets (SPIRITUAL Iron that is…)

Sluggin’ down a can of spinach a la Popeye is not my idea of adding more iron to my diet.


Savoring spinach sautéed in brown butter with slivered almonds by the Chef at Jack Fry’s is.  Just sayin’…

My dear friend Jane and I recently had the most delicious lunch at our favorite haunt, Jack Fry’s.  Because this was post-holidays and we’d had more than our fair share of Christmas delicacies, we shared the warm brie salad, the infamous Jack’s burger, and fries (one cannot do without their fries).

We justified the fries because their veggie special of the day, the aforementioned spinach, surely cut the calories of the fries in half, right? Again, we only shared one order of the melt-in-your-mouth spinach:  clearly a much tastier way to put iron into one’s diet. www.jackfrys.com


This week we’ll hear from more friends who’ve chosen one word for 2016 (see last week’s post) as well as learn about a nifty little verse you can see come alive.  The verse?

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpen iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (NLT)

The week before Christmas, my buddy Nancy Sleeth from Lexington emailed several of us in Louisville and said, ”Hey, I’m going to be in Louisville 12/22, any possibility y’all can grab some lunch?”  Don’t you know four of the five of us were free?  What are the chances?

Once we figured out a time and place, Sleeth proceeded to throw us a curve ball. (Since we had two Nancys at the table, I’ll use last names to distinguish them so you’re not confused.  Aguiar has gotten me in this hilarious habit.)

Sleeth said, “Since Christmas is fast upon us, and we’re about to celebrate the birth of Christ, let’s all be thinking about sharing a birth and a re-birth story.”  Hmmm…sure makes you think!


(Going around the table left to right:  Judy Russell, Sherry Leavell, Nancy Sleeth, Nancy Aguiar and Yours Truly.)

This is one of many things I love about my Almost Amish friend.  She is always intentional.  She epitomizes Proverbs 27:17. (You can find out more about the Sleeths via their website:  www.blessedearth.org )

Here’s her book, also, which I adore:


While we had quite the meal at Bonefish, each of us shared story after story.  Sleeth’s conversation starter really blessed us all and awakened us to the “reason for the season”.  This was a picture of Proverbs 27:17.

This new year finds me devouring a book by Kay Wills Wyma called Cleaning House: A Mom’s Twelve-Month Experiment to Rid Her Home of Youth Entitlement You can bet I’ll be sharing more from it later this year.

I can’t wait to share one concept Kay offers which immediately kicked my brain into overdrive.  It’s beyond brilliant.


Since we’re on the topic of iron sharpening iron, Kay believes in this so much she added “The Ironing Board” to her blog.  Checkout www.themoatblog.com “Because a Mother of Adolescents and Teens (MOAT) should never walk (or drive) alone.”


Happy to report we are not talking about a real ironing board. (Never mind my ironing pile is relentlessly staring at me in the kitchen.) Kay’s Ironing Board is actually an Advisory Board.  She graciously shares these wonderful women with all her readers. (Go to “Search” on her blog and type in “The Ironing Board” and fire away your questions! For real!)

She says, “Like a steaming hot iron, these mothers and grandmothers will help us smooth out the wrinkles.  They will be the iron upon which we can sharpen ourselves.” Oh, I want an Ironing Board, don’t you?

As promised, I’d like to share a few more words in the spirit of  “One Word for 2016” from a few friends who constantly sharpen each other. It’s my prayer these will help you choose your word.

Sherry and EJ each chose “wisdom”. (Sherry’s already proved to me how wise she is by getting rid of her iron and ironing board altogether!)

Diane’s word from last year was “intentional”, so she’s building on that and chose “prayerful” for 2016.  Mary chose “Scripture” because she’s reading thru’ the entire Bible this year.  Cousin Bonnie chose “Better”. I love ALL of these.

Savor this Scripture this week:  Romans 15:13 says,

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace BECAUSE YOU TRUST IN HIM.  Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (NLT)

Keep sharpening one another!  Start your own Ironing Board! Share with us your word!


‘Til next time!