Got Three Minutes? Too Blessed to be Stressed—3-Minute Devotions for Women by Debora M. Coty is Well-Worth Your Time…(FREE GIVE AWAY too!)

Running away to the beach is just what the doctor ordered.   I don’t know whose doctor, but frankly any doctor will do. Just sayin’…

Hubster and I did indeed heed aforementioned doctor’s orders. We happily hopped a direct flight from Louisville to Tampa, thanks to Southwest Airlines, and ran away to Clearwater Beach for a few days.

If any of you’ve been to Clearwater, you know what I mean when I say it has one of the prettiest, whitest, biggest beaches I’ve ever seen! Breathtaking!


It’s safe to say we recharged and refueled, actively denying winter, thanks to some picture-perfect weather and a swell crew of helpful folks at the Sand Pearl Resort.

We were also blessed to visit family and friends. Added bonus:   I got to meet an awesome author in person!!!

I’ve been a fan of Debora Coty’s for quite some time now ( Upon discovering one of her many books, Fear, Faith, and A Fistful Of Chocolate: Wit and Wisdom for Sidestepping Life’s Worries a couple of years, ago I emailed her to tell her I’d be writing about it.  I was so moved by the book I wrote a five-part series on it! We became fast friends via email.


I’m tickled pink to report Debbie just so happens to live in Tampa. She hopped in the car and headed to the beach so we could meet in person, sip on some tea, and solve many of the world’s problems! Is God soooo good, or what?


Allow me to explain how this fun little devo’ works. There are one hundred and eighty entries. Each one only takes three minutes to read. JoAnne Simmons compiled these from Debbie’s original book. She tells us the readings “pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor and inspiration into your day.”

Here are your three minutes (Come on now, we all have three minutes to spare…):

Minute 1: Scripture to meditate on

Minute 2: A short devotional reading

Minute 3: A prayer to jump-start a conversation with God


I LOVE, LOVE, L-O-V-E this little book for several reasons:

1 – It’s a petite paperback you can throw into your purse.

2 – Each page has a synopsis of its’ topic at the top. (i.e. “When Trust Triumphs, Worship Wherever You Are, Shackled by Perfectionism, What Are You Telling Yourself, The Prune of Self-Control, Spiritual Vitamins”, etc.)

3 – Debbie uses different translations of the Bible which give us readers a better grasp of God’s Word.

4 – Her sense of humor is hysterical which is so healthy for us all: “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22 NIV)

5 – Her prayers show you how to daily apply God’s Word to your life.

6 – It’s a deal/steal at only $4.99. I’m thinking this is a perfect choice for those Easter baskets you’re wondering how to fill!!!

7 – It’s time management at its’ finest.


While I’ve dog-eared about every other page of Deb’s book, one of many favorite entries begins with “The Prune of Self-Control”…

The Scripture Deb gives us to savor is Proverbs 25:28:


The devotional part begins, “Self-control is the prune of the Spirit; not the fruit you savor, but the one vital for moving things along smoothly. (If you’ve ever drunk prune juice you know what I mean!) It’s the fruit you gulp down and try not to choke on.”


Deb continues, “I think it’s no coincidence that self-control is listed just behind gentleness in Galatians 5; they sprout from the same vine. You need to ingest the first in order to digest the second.” In all these years of reading the fruit of the Spirit, I’d never thought of this!

She closes with, “Self-control is courage fueled by integrity and supernatural power. It’s something the average Jane doesn’t have but is possessed only by those willing to step back from the firing line and hand over the lit match.”

2 Timothy 1:7 in the CEV says, “God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.”

Finally she prays, “Dear Papa God, I need such help with self-control, whether it’s in regard to avoiding junk food or taming my tongue or watching my attitude, just to name a few examples. The temptation to give in to my sin nature is great, but Your Spirit is always greater. Amen.”

Keep in mind, the above quotes are from just one of one hundred and eighty equally inspirational devotionals! Run, don’t walk to your nearest bookstore and grab up several copies of this book! They make great gifts!

Be watching for her upcoming 365-Day Devotional, Too Blessed to Be Stressed Daily Inspiration for Women, due out January 1, 2017!!!

Please leave a comment within the next week and you’ll be entered to WIN A FREE COPY of Deb’s devotional! We have three, count ’em three copies to give away!!!

‘Til next time!