MEGA Announcement!!! Branches Book Club’s New Upcoming Season Promises Fun, Food and Fabulous Literature…Plus Meet Some of the Authors!

Friends! Grab your calendars and jot these dates down! You have plenty of time to read and plan to make these nights of fun, learning, fellowship, and fabulous foodie themes! The possibilities are endless!

Further bonus: So far, two of these nights have the authors coming to speak, answer questions, etc. Other potential Skype visits from authors are in the works. Please put that on your prayer radar!!!

Branches Book Club has a phenomenal season planned for you and your friends. Checkout , plus like them on Facebook, and send Nancy Tinnell your email address if you’d like to be on the mailing list to receive updates, etc. Nancy’s email is:

Grab as many of these books as possible for your summer reading! (Some don’t release for a while—see dates below.) Be praying about who to invite to come with you. Spread the word!

Drum roll, if you please…..HERE WE GO!!!………………………

September 26, 2016 – The Ringmaster’s Wife by Kristy Cambron. Kristy hails from Indiana and is going to drive to Louisville to join us that night!

Checkout her website, and watch the teaser video of The Ringmaster’s Wife. The book releases June 7th.


Since the book is about life in the Ringling Brothers’ circus in the 1920’s, we’ll have a circus theme with circus food, under the Big Top. Our boys would beg for cotton candy, while I’m hoping for caramel corn. (Deep, I know…)

Publishers Weekly says her novel includes, “heartbreak, loss, hope, and triumph, all set against the colorful backdrop of ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’.”

Come meet and hear from Kristy!  Her book has already been named in Publishers Weekly Spring 2016 Religion and Spirituality Top 10!


October 24, 2016 – Come meet and hear from TWO authors this night! Liz Curtis Higgs and Bill Higgs!!!

We’ll get to hear Liz interview Bill about his new novel, Eden Hill which releases July 1st. You can pre-order this now!

Set in our sweet State of Kentucky in the early 1960’s, we’ll watch the characters struggle with change and competition. Can one extend grace to a competitor right across the street?

Many are saying Bill’s writing is Garrison Keilloresque. Charm and more charm. Bill’s dry wit will bless your socks off.

One of Bill’s many interests and talents is showing us how things from the past can teach us lessons right now. Wait ‘til you see how this unfolds in his book. This is his first novel and we will celebrate with the Higgs!


We’ll also get to hear from Liz as we discuss a super fun contemporary novel, (this was also her first contemporary novel) called Mixed Signals. It’s about a female radio host (wonder how that topic came up???).  Belle’s radio program featuring golden oldies is a hit, while her own love life suffers. Who will she wind up with?

Only Liz can take us on such a fun, surprising journey. While we’re on the topic of radio and oldies, Nancy Tinnell promises to serve up root beer floats for starters!!! Stay tuned and make plans to join us!


Liz’ newest book, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart releases October 18th, so she’ll have those on hand for us to snatch up. This is a beautiful gift-sized devotional that’ll also be good for small groups, Bible studies, etc. Liz is challenging us to memorize these verses! Anyone up for the challenge?


Plus, don’t forget her newly revised Really Bad Girls of the Bible: More Lessons from Less-Than-Perfect Women coming out July 19th with new Bible study and Discussion questions. She just finished recording the audio version as well.


November 28, 2016 – Prayers of a Stranger: A Christmas Story by Davis Bunn. Davis has won three Christy Awards and has sold more than four million books. This book is about a couple’s special planned Christmas in their own home, anticipating their first baby’s arrival.

Debbie Macomber says this is “a great story filled with emotion, depth, and spiritual beauty.”


Main character Amanda Vance learns many pearls of wisdom on her unexpected tour of the Holy Land after a traumatic occurrence. This book will prepare us for newfound awe in the miracle of Christ’s birth as we head into the Christmas season. Christmas will be our theme!!!


January 23, 2017 – Five Brides by Eva Marie Everson

The plot of this book makes me want to read it yesterday. Get this: “Five, single, fiercely independent women live together in a Chicago apartment in the early 1950s, but rarely see one another. One Saturday afternoon, they spy a wedding dress in a storefront window….

Without a single boyfriend or date between the five of them (!!!) they decide to pool their money to purchase it. Can one dress forever connect five women…?” (from )


Author Eva Marie is a southern girl, growing up near Savannah. Some of you may know her from reading her Potluck Club books. Here’s just one of the six:


Checkout her other books:

While we’ll be on the ever growing topic (and industry!!!) of weddings, we’ll get to feast on, bet you can guess: wedding cake!!! YUM…


February 27, 2017 – The Undoing of Saint Silvanus by Beth Moore

Huh? A novel by Beth Moore? Yes, you heard it right….Beth’s first novel releases September 20th!


It’s got quite a plot, too. A young girl, Jillian Slater, gets word her father’s died. She returns to New Orleans to see her Grandmother, dubbed The Ice Queen, who she hasn’t seen in twenty years.

Never mind her Grandmother lives in an apartment house, also known as Saint Silvanus. Seems remnants from the tenants, coupled with new findings from her father’s death investigation, get them to wondering who or what has them under a spell!

I love this: “Only God himself can orchestrate the undoing of all that is going on at Saint Silvanus.” ( )


The story’s set in New Orleans, so I’m hoping for some beignets in action a la Café du Monde. Not a real chicory fan, from their coffee, but perhaps we can whip up something fun and frothy!??!!


March 27, 2017 – The Promise of Jesse Woods by Chris Fabry

A few years ago, we read Chris’ first novel, Dogwood, in Book Club at Southeast and it was a huge hit. It also earned him a Christy Award right out of the gate. He Skyped with us and was a total blast and a perfect gentleman.

He recently wrote the novelization of War Room. He’s won three Christy Awards and one Christian Book Award, plus he received the 2014 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit for Every Waking Moment just to name a wee bit of his talent.


Next March, we’ll be reading The Promise of Jesse Woods. This book releases July 1st. Set in the summer of 1972, you’ll be happy to learn the main character is moving back to Dogwood, West Virginia with twists and turns sure to bless us all.

Hubster has read several of Chris’ books, too, so these are not chick-lits!!! Great for guys and girls! His realistic writing will captivate you from the first page. Where he comes up with his plots is beyond me– they’re sooo good!


April 24, 2017 – The Heiress of Winterwood (Whispers on the Moors) by Sarah Ladd

Sarah’s writing has been compared to Jane Austen and Jane Eyre. This book is set in Darbury England in 1814.

This, too, has a wild plot: Amelia Barrett, “heiress to an estate nestled in the English moors, defies family expectations and promises to raise her dying friend’s baby. She’ll risk everything to keep her word—even to the point of proposing to the child’s father—a sea captain she’s never met.”

The characters “must learn to have faith and relinquish control so they can embrace the future ahead of them.” Relinquishing control is hard for all of us, plus the issue of pride laces the pages as well. Great lessons for us all!!!


Now when you think of England, and the era in which this book is set…it’s sorta in keeping with Downton Abbey, don’t you think? We’re going with it, and will be serving up High Tea, of course!!!

Write all these dates in your calendars and get ready for one of our best seasons yet in Book Club! Now you have quite a Summer Reading pile, don’t you?

Branches Book Club is a beautiful visual of Hebrews 10:24-25, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”  Please join us!

Blessings to all and lest you worry, I promise we’ll return to our Spring Cleaning series next week. The dirt  can  wait…!

‘Til next time!