Stop for a Sip of Tea….(With help from Emilie Barnes…)

Forty degree temps in May, in Kentucky, aren’t even close to being normal. However, the beauty of Springtime, coupled with the cool, crisp air, make for a perfect opportunity to sip some tea. A warm cup of tea or coffee will calm your spirit and soothe your soul.


If you have school-age children or grandchildren, this time of year offers so many year-end activities, you probably need to stop and sit a spell! I remember when our boys were graduating from high school I thought we’d all go crazy trying to attend all the programs, events, concerts, etc. It was tough deciding which was more challenging: year-end or back-to-school!!! God bless the teachers!!!

Several years ago, I was blessed to hear Emilie Barnes speak in Northern Kentucky at John Russell’s church (Bob’s brother).  At the time, my friend Kathy was living nearby and got us tickets. Emilie’s authored seventy plus books and has been married to Bob, her high school sweetheart for nearly sixty years! They’re blessed with two grown children, five grandchildren and one great granddaughter.


Many of you remember her for her infamous book, More Hours in My Day: Proven Ways to Organize Your Home, Your Family, and Yourself. She and Sheri Torelli wrote this. They also have a website that spun off of the book, helping thousands upon thousands of us with organizational ideas.


Since we just finished with our Spring Cleaning series (!!!), I’ll not venture down the organizational road, but wish to steer us in the direction of tea today. The book I want to share with you is called The Twelve Teas of Inspiration—Celebrations to Nourish the Soul.


This book is absolutely beautiful in many ways. It’d be a perfect gift idea! It includes gorgeous paintings by Susan Rios, plus recipes and menu ideas for different themed teas:


Emile says, “Tea inspires: 

Comfort during times of trial,

Friendship between neighbors and strangers, and

Peace during the busiest days.  

Tea brings people together and provides a way to give and receive and CREATE COMMUNITY wherever we are and with whomever is near.  

It’s also the perfect companion when we are alone and enjoying a time of devotion, prayer, or simple solitude.”


My three favorite tea ideas are: A Scripture Tea, a Funny Bone Tea (We all know laughter is the best medicine!), and A Book Club Tea. (Bet you’re stunned.) Emilie gives you her classic recipes, before she ever starts with the themed teas and their menus. (Don’t miss the scones and Devonshire cream recipes!!!)

In the chapter on A Scripture Tea, Emilie suggests everyone invited bring their favorite verse and tell why it’s their favorite. Emilie shares how her five-month stay in Seattle, Washington, at the Fred Hutchinsons’ Cancer Research Alliance was only endurable with the help of God’s Word.


She said, “No matter what my situation might be, I can turn to the powerful collection of poetry and praises found in the book of Psalms and know that something appropriate will soothe my soul.” She includes some of her favorite verses including one of my favorites:


This book on tea is one of several Emilie’s written. You may also enjoy these:

The Tea Lover’s Devotional


 In addition to her books on home organization and on ideas for tea, she’s written books on manners for little girls and little boys, a book for a tea party for little girls, plus wonderful devotionals. These are gifts to all of us readers for so many different seasons!

Please take a moment this afternoon to stop, and sip a cup of tea or coffee. Take a few deep breaths and pause to praise the Lord for the blessing of another day.

‘Til next time!