Come With Me to the Lowcountry… (Part 1 of 2)

Hubster and I recently returned from a fascinating, exploratory trip all over the Lowcountry. We visited Beaufort, Bluffton, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, and Charleston, South Carolina.

We happily consumed massive amounts of, yes, you guessed it: GRITS! (And biscuits, and scrumptious seafood, among other delectable delights.) Our eyes were wide-eyed for grabbing a glimpse of the Lord’s Creation all around us.

Psalm 34:8 reminds us:


Join me in this petite travelogue. You might enjoy visiting some of these spots this summer or fall!

First stop: Beaufort, South Carolina. We stayed in a way- cool, transformed Motel 6. I kid you not. Check out:

Rooms have been totally remodeled. Bathrooms are contemporary and attractive. Their coffee shop, City Java and News, wafted delectable aromas early every morning and we indulged three for three mornings.


Notice the draping, the railings and the shutters which give the hotel nice dimensions.   They added a small patio with furniture and umbrellas for relaxing on the first floor.   We complied.

Every night we walked to dinner. Historic Beaufort was only a couple of blocks away. Walking on Bay Street, each morning, along the Harbor River was stunning. We couldn’t decide whether to look at the water or the historical homes! Both were beautiful.


Two of our three nights we walked next door and ate at the Breakwater Restaurant. It was melt-in-your-mouth delicious, obviously, since we went back the next night! (Notice they also have a location in Greenville.)

One day we had an enjoyable tour of Pinkney The marsh views with the birds flying over are incredibly peaceful.

Philippians 4:7 fell all over us:


The lowcountry architecture is also appealing. They’re really big on porches and charm!

Confession: I had to lower my covet meter in the model home at Pinkney because the décor was beyond gorgeous. (Take the 3D showcase on Pinkney’s website so you can covet with me! Hey, what are friends for?)

Second stop: Bluffton, South Carolina

Only 30-40 minutes from Beaufort, the next day, we drove to a gorgeous development called Palmetto Bluff. We know two couples who have recently bought homes here and we were blessed to visit one of them, Randy and Sue Boehme, for most of the day. The four of us were neighbors when we all lived in Lake Forest several years ago.

I can still hardly talk without tearing up about the four-mile entry, lined with live oaks dripping with Spanish moss, accompanied by gas-lit lanterns every hundred feet. It completely took our breath away.


It was like entering a fairyland. I told Hubster if this were our daily entry, I’d be one happy, calm camper. Talk about a no-stress zone. Check out:

It made me think of one of my favorite verses:

Jeremiah 17:8 – “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Our visit to Palmetto Bluff began by meeting the Boehmes for lunch at Buffalo’s. It had been some time since we’d seen them, so our reunion was blissfully accompanied by mouth-watering fried green tomatoes for starters, along with an awesome view of the May River.

We could see Hilton Head Island across the water.   A beautiful chapel was right across the street and people were setting up for a wedding reception on the lawn.

Randy and Sue gave us a tour of the development and of their beautiful home. You can’t beat the views from their first and second story porches. When you sit on the swing, you’re looking straight out at the water. If I only had a book…

Lots going on in Palmetto Bluff including golf, horseback riding, skeet shooting, swimming, tennis, boating, plus trails galore for walking or biking. Because they’re big believers in conservation, classes on wildlife are offered frequently. Randy and Sue had recently taken a class on armadillos and one on tagging gators!


We also discovered a hotel we weren’t familiar with, but loved learning about. We popped in the lobby and lo and behold, it was time for tea, lemonade, and cookies. Yes, we “sampled”.


The hotel is called The Montage. In addition to its’ guest rooms, it also has several adorable cottages you can rent, with several more under construction. (Start saving now to stay here! Pricey!)

Finally Randy and Sue took us into Old Bluffton, only five minutes from Palmetto Bluff, which is loaded with shops and restaurants. We barely scratched the surface. It was bustlin’ with people.

Here we are in front of Captain Woody’s. (Don’t miss the photo bomber—could it be Santa?) www.captainwoody’


Pictured left to right: Randy and Sue Boehme, Yours Truly and Handsome Hubster

Certain this is more than you asked for, for now….Next week we’ll hit the beach on the Isle of Palms and visit Charleston, South Carolina. More great discoveries, foodie stops, and aha moments.

I pray these little “escapes” are blessing you:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

 ‘Til next time!