New Website, A Million God Stories, Launches Tonight! (7:00 p.m., ET 8/31/16)

Friends! Hustle over to your phone or I-pad or laptop and checkout a wonderful, blessings-filled, only-God-could-pull-this-off brand-new website: will launch at 7:00 sharp tonight, 8/31/16, while anyone who’s anywhere near Lexington, Kentucky, is invited and more than welcome to celebrate at The Roastery. (529 West Main Street, )

The website will start being available tonight world-wide, filled with stories from people all over the world. Initially there’ll be ten stories. Then every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, a new story will be posted. All topics will be included from all ages, with one theme: God is at work, everywhere, every day and the world needs to know about it!

Readers can subscribe on the website to receive the new stories in a newsletter by email every Saturday.


Their mission:

“To glorify God by providing a place for all people to share stories of the amazing things God has done.”

Their goal:

“To share one million stories that honor God.”

Their verse:

Let the whole world glorify the Lord.” Isaiah 42:12


Who’s behind this? Pam VanArsdall, Founder and Editor-in-Chief.


Pam tells us, “As average Americans, we spend one hour and forty minutes browsing social media each day. Much of the content is not meaningful. What if even a portion of that time was spent reading about the incredible things of God? Wouldn’t that have a positive impact on us?”

Pam maintains we can all think of at least one amazing God experience in our lifetimes. Some of these stories get shared and sadly, some don’t. Maybe it’s too personal, or maybe we fear we’d be judged.

She reminds us, “We’re called to witness, to share our testimonies of God’s power, goodness, faithfulness, and love. We are called to bring God glory.” is a website where you may share your story! It’s a safe place where you can be anonymous if you choose, or you can opt to use your name and perhaps your photograph.

One neat service this website offers is Pam and her Team have writers available to help you should you wish to share your story and don’t want to be the one to write it.

If you simply wish to visit the site and read the stories, that’s great too. These stories will minister to so many, on so many different levels. They will encourage and remind us of God’s faithfulness.

There’s a cool search feature where we readers can choose stories with a particular topic such as:

God’s presence,

Holy Spirit,


College Student,






Mission trip,



Witnessing, etc.

I’m blessed to call Pam a dear friend.  The icing on the cake is we have a fabulous connection. Just so happens her daughter, Lauren, and our son, Gordy, are married. It’s the BEST.

The past year and a half has brought many changes for Pam.  She got married, went from full-time to part-time in her job, then flat retired.  This was about the exact same time the Lord put this idea in her head and she sprinted with it.  No resting on your laurels for her!  I’m so excited for this endeavor.

Pam’s Team she’s assembled is amazing as well:

Maddie Pierce Wofford is their Visionary Director and Connector. Maddie’s a good friend of all our kiddos. She’s a ten talent gal who was in both Lauren’s and LT’s weddings, and they in turn were in hers.


Nicole Tarpoff is their Director of Photography.


Ashley McKinney is their Creative Director and On-Location Photographer.


Kelly Bixler is their Copyeditor.  She can become your right hand man should you need help writing your story!


Please lift up Pam and her Team in prayer as they launch this beautiful, Spirit-filled website. It has the potential to reach so many for God and His glory, while touching  countless lives.

Blessings to you, Pam, and thanks for a wonderful resource!

‘Til next time!