You’re Invited to Meet and Hear Author Kristy Cambron, Monday, September 26th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Middletown United Methodist Church (PLUS FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!***)

Friends! You’re invited to Branches Book Club’s first gathering of the season. Bring your friends! We’ll be extra spoiled by having the opportunity to meet and hear from author Kristy Cambron. She’s driving in from Indiana.

We’ll be meeting at Middletown United Methodist Church, 11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Monday, September 26th.

Kristy will be talking about her newest book, The Ringmaster’s WifeYou still have plenty of time to read this compelling novel and bring questions you may have for her.


Jump onto her website and go to “books”. Click on The Ringmaster’s Wife and you’ll find a video clip of her research into the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. She takes you on a fabulous tour of the Ringlings’ Ca’d’Zan Mansion.

It’s just as elaborate as she describes in the book, complete with a breathtaking vista of the bay. Don’t miss the gorgeous wood in the dining room.


Kristy’s novel is set in the 1920’s. She transports us readers right into the Roaring Twenties when the circus was gaining momentum.

An unusually talented young woman from North Yorkshire, England, Lady Rosamund Easling, is discovered by a young man named Colin Keary. He works for the Ringlings. (Colin has an interesting story revealed in the book as well.)

Colin spies Rosamund standing atop a horse while the horse gallops thru’ a field. She remains standing with an uncanny ease. Colin instantly knows he must talk her into joining the circus. You’ll be astonished at the hurdles she jumps to get to the States.


Rosamund left a life of royalty, comfort, and a future marriage for the vagabond circus life. Her boldness will take your breath away.

I’m forever grateful for Kristy writing this novel. I confess I’ve never been much of a circus girl. Having our own three-ring circus at home (Three boys plus one wildly adventurous husband, come on!) seemed enough entertainment. Kristy and her husband are also blessed with three boys, so I’m hopeful she’ll share some of their stories on the 26th too.

When our boys were little, we took them a couple of times when the circus came to town. They preferred cotton candy to the clowns, but the elephants and tigers completely won their attention.


We never realized the intense orchestration behind the actual production of the circus. This is one of many eye-openers Kristy includes in her novel.

Kristy also gives us a sneak peek into circus performers’ lives, the significant effort it takes to tote a circus to town, juggling the vast variety of personalities, the challenge of bookings, ticket sales, and on and on.

We readers will also witness the destructive potential of star power. Kristy weaves a little plot within the plot that’ll shock your socks off. Jealousy rares its’ ugly head and you won’t believe her who-done-it.

Happy to report there’s also a love story. Who doesn’t love a love story? You’ll be cheering the characters along.

Finally, don’t miss the unique friendship that evolves between Mrs. Ringling herself and Rosamund. It’s sweet and sincere. Can you fathom having a mentor such as Mable Ringling?


Kristy dots her pages with God’s hand in some of her character’s faith, their prayer lives, and lessons in relying upon the Lord. Not every character has faith to cling to which is precisely what gets them into trouble. No spoiler alerts, tho’!

Read the book before September 26th and come ready to discuss it. Think of some questions you’d like to ask Kristy. If you don’t have time to read it, no worries. Please come and listen because you’ll want to read it later!

More good news: We’ll be having circus fare to eat! Caramel corn, hot dogs, corn dogs, popcorn, spun sugar (sounds fancier than cotton candy) and other nutritious treats will be on the menu. If time permits, bring something you’d like to have at a circus to add to our smorgasbord.


Between meeting the author and the fun food, what more motivation do you need? Mark you calendar now! Please join us Monday, September 26th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.! You won’t want to miss this!!! Don’t forget to invite your friends!

Let’s remember to ask Kristy to tell us about her next book, The Illusionist’s Apprentice coming out next year.


Don’t forget to add to your calendar Liz Curtis Higgs and Bill Higgs are BOTH coming to our October meeting, October 24th! We’ll be discussing Mixed Signals by Liz and she’ll be interviewing Bill about his new novel, Eden Hill.


Plus Liz’ newest book, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart will have just released. (10/18) It will be available that night as well.

Hope to see you Monday, September 26th! Please call Nancy Tinnell at MUMC to RSVP: (502) 245-8839.

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

***Please leave a comment which will enter you to win a FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY of The Ringmaster’s Wife. After five days, we’ll draw a name from the comments. I’ll mail it to you in time before the meeting.

 ‘Til next time!