You’re Invited to Book Club Monday, November 28th! Come Get in the Christmas Spirit with help from "Prayers of a Stranger—A Christmas Journey" by Davis Bunn.

Friends! Mark your calendars, post Turkey Day, and join us at Middletown United Methodist Church for Branches Book Club’s last meeting of 2016 on Monday night, November 28th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. (We’ll resume in January.)

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

We’ll be discussing a novel by Davis Bunn, Prayers of a Stranger—A Christmas Journey.


We’ll be resuming our potluck tradition with a Christmas theme. How creative can you be  for the treats you bring?  A Christmas tree-shaped appetizer?!!!

No door prizes this time, because we’re asking each of you to bring a $5.00 Christmas ornament for an ornament exchange. You can take one home and decorate your tree!


First, let’s talk about our author. Davis has become quite the novelist. He’s won four Christy Awards, has more than seven million books in print, in twenty languages. He’s often asked to speak on writing.

Pop onto his website ( ) and check out an interview where he talks about how he got into writing and how he splits his time between Florida and England. (Surely their Florida residence is the inspiration for the scenes he shares in our selection.)

He and his wife, Isabella, have a unique living arrangement while at Oxford. Think Downtown Abbey plus a plethora of tourists. Davis is hilarious with his descriptions.

If you’ve not had the time yet to read the book, there’s still plenty of time before November 28th because it’s a page-turner. Or, if you’d like to come hear our discussion and then read it, that’s okay too.

I confess I was surprised more than once with the plot and subplots.   The main character, Amanda Vance, has several dragons to slay, as does her husband, Chris.

Throw in a crushing Christmas the year before when their first child was stillborn. Watching them come to grips with tidal waves of grief, while trying to both work is painful. Their marriage hangs on by a thread. Can it be repaired?


They’re both blessed with friends who surround them, however they don’t always let them in. An interesting turn of events finds Amanda flying with her neighbor, Emily, on a last-minute trip to Israel.

You’ll enjoy traveling with them, taking in the sights and sounds, feeling as if you’re in the Holy Land. You don’t want to miss what happens at The Wailing Wall. No spoiler alert!


Good news is, the trip brings healing in a number of ways to both Emily and Amanda. But back in the States, Emily’s husband,Frank, and Amanda’s husband, Chris, have their own struggles. Frank winds up in the hospital while Chris and his job are presented with opportunities we the reader cannot begin to predict. Will he stay strong or will he compromise?

Davis weaves threads throughout the plot which show God orchestrating the characters’ paths. The people they meet and influence highlight the strength of their character and faith. It is really sweet to see their growth from so many God-incidences.

Davis even throws in a prodigal in the mix.  How in the world are Frank and Emily going to handle this?

Another blessing is you’ll get to see how integral the below verse becomes to Amanda:


There’s something beautiful about Godly restoration and redemption. While this is a novel, as in fiction, we can be reminded that nothing  is impossible with the Lord.

Please grab a friend and come join us next Monday night, November 28th from 6:30-8:00! We will get in the Christmas spirit and enjoy fellowship with one another as well as learn more about Prayers of a Stranger.

Please RSVP to Nancy Tinnell by calling (502) 245-8839 or emailing:

Have a Blessed, Happy Thanksgiving with your family this week!

‘Til next time!