Five Friends Buy One Wedding Dress. Will They Each Get to Wear It? Come Find Out at Book Club, Monday January 23rd!

Friends!  You and your friends are invited to Book Club next Monday night, January 23rd, when we’ll discuss a delightful novel, Five Brides—Five Brides…one dress…a lifetime of memories by Eva Marie Everson.


Whether you’ve read the book or not, please come join us as the discussion will be wonderful PLUS we’re having a WEDDING CAKE and we’re all encouraged to bring something you’d eat at a wedding reception.  Nuts, finger sandwiches, fruit, chocolate (!!!), you pick.  We also would love to see a picture from your wedding!


We meet at Middletown United Methodist Church from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.  Please call Nancy Tinnell to rsvp:  (502) 245-8839.

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

Without revealing the entire story, I’ll share a brief snippet about the book.  I’ll also be telling you about two other upcoming events you won’t want to miss…

Five Brides involves five girls who meet thanks to many different Godly orchestrations, ultimately landing them in the same basement apartment in Chicago in the fifties.  You’ll get to know Joan, Betty, Magda, Inga, and Evelyn.

Very different, with varying jobs, these characters each win the reader’s heart.  Two of the five are sisters, and even they are like night and day.


On a whim one day, when the five girls are all together, they pass a bridal shop, instantly falling in love with the dress in the window.  They not only fall in love with it, they buy it! (You don’t want to miss those chapters, the girls are hilarious infuriating the sales clerk.)

One other teensy weensy detail:  not one of them was engaged, much less attached to anyone, at the time, making the reader wonder how five grooms will materialize.  Relationships begin to blossom, however some look bad from the start.  You find yourself talking to these girls, saying, “Honey, he is not your man!”

Author Eva Everson is a visual writer, making you feel like you’re right there in the girls’ apartment. While it’s a long book (453 pages!), it’s such a page-turner,  all of a sudden you’re  finished and you don’t want to be! Plus, you’re cheering these potential brides on to be able to WEAR THAT DRESS!

I also enjoyed learning about the girls’ faith. Some struggle with theirs, learning invaluable lessons.  Those struggling finally realize they’d been out of God’s will all the while He was wooing them back. God is also gracious to place a few mentors along their paths. (This is the beauty of a Christian novel.)

The five friends had a Scripture that tied them all together:

Isaiah 45:2 says, “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight.” (KJV) Look how the NIV puts it:


So will each of the five girls get the opportunity to wear the wedding gown?  Ah, my friend, you must read the book to find out.  Everyone loves a good love story and we readers are blessed by four plus a surprising arrangement.

Please join us next Monday night, January 23rd, from 6:30-8:00.  Enjoy a slice of wedding cake and bring a treat for our “reception”, plus a picture from your wedding if time allows.

Here are two other activities for your calendar:

This Friday, January 20thBeth Moore is hosting a Book Club, Live from New Orleans where her debut novel, The Undoing of Saint Silvanus, is set.  This is a FREE live web stream event you can register for and watch. It begins at 7:00 p.m., EST. Go to


Next month, on February 27th, our Book Club will be discussing Beth’s novel.  Beth has promised to send us a recorded Skype to share about her book and other fun topics.  It’ll be almost like having her with us!  We’ve already got a New Orleans theme running where we’ll have beignets and coffee, of course.

We hope to see you Monday night, January 23rd!  Bring a friend!

‘Til next time!