You’re Invited to an Evening with Beth Moore and Beignets! Monday, 2/27, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Friends!  Wow, do we ever have a heap o’ good news for you!

First off, we’re taking a break from our fitness series…we’ll return to that next week. Ahhh, please sit back and relax…..


Secondly, you do not want to miss Branches Book Club Meeting  next week!  You and your friends are invited to join us for a wild discussion of an even wilder novel.  We’ll be meeting on Monday evening, February 27th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Middletown United Methodist Church.

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

11902 Old Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243

We’ll be discussing Beth Moore’s debut novel, The Undoing of Saint Silvanus.  A  novel by Beth Moore?  I know,  it’s true!



Beth is sending us a personal message for us to watch.  It’s the next best thing to having her right in the room with us.  You do NOT want to miss this opportunity!!!


Most of you know Beth from having done one or more of her eighteen Bible studies.  My guess is many of you’ve grown your faith, thanks to Beth’s workbooks and videos and divine insight into God’s Word.  (A few of my favorites are Believing God, Stepping Up, Daniel,  and Mercy Triumphs.  What are some of yours?)

I also bet you were as stunned as I was to learn she’d written a novel.  It’s a tad on the tome side, too, weighing in at four hundred and sixty-eight pages.  But, it’s a page-turner, so  sadly you’ll be done before you want to be.

I’m still shaking my head at the intricacies and shocking suspense of the plot (it’s akin to riding a hair-raising roller coaster), the variety of personalities of her characters (oh, you’ll laugh out loud), and the lovely setting in New Orleans.  You can almost taste the food she serves up.

Speaking of food (!!!), you’ll be enticed to learn the Branches Book Club gals will be serving up beignets Monday night.


On the off chance you’ve not sampled a beignet before, let me further lure you to join us.  I learned of beignets from a friend I met my freshman year of college named Nonie.  She hails from New Orleans.

At the beginning of Mardi Gras week, Nonie’s parents sent her a huge package.  It had a King Cake in it, along with a couple of boxes of beignet mix, a bag of powdered sugar and brown paper lunch bags. Huh?

Nonie declared it was “Beignet Time” and we were going to have a firsthand lesson on how to make some.  We didn’t have a kitchen in our dorm, but we did have a huge hallway bathroom where we could plug in Nonie’s Fry Baby.  (Do not think on that for very long, or you’ll lose your appetite.)

We learned the brown paper lunch bags were perfect for dumping powdered sugar into, followed by piping hot beignets (a few at a time), fresh out of the fryer.

Oh my, makes my mouth water.  Way better than a hot Krispy Kreme doughnut, a hot beignet is fab for breakfast, lunch,  dinner or any time, truth be told.

Want to try some?  Come to Book Club!  And if you want to try making some at home, all you have to do is locate a mix by the famous folks from Café du Monde.  If your local grocer doesn’t carry some, hop over to Amazon


What more could you ask for than hearing from Beth Moore, with beignets in front of you, and time with the fun gals at Branches Book Club?  Call up a buddy and mosey on over.

Those of you who have a recipe for anything creole, or New Orleans-inspired, please bring it if time allows. Please RSVP to Nancy Tinnell at (502) 245-8839.

The discussion will be eye-opening given the many subjects Beth touches on.  Without spoiling any details, all I’ll say is I’d love to meet and spend time with Miss Adella Atwater.  Clearly she’s not only a devoted follower of our Lord, she brilliantly orchestrates how to bring others into His fold as well.  Well done, Miss Beth.

Hope to see you Monday, February 27th!

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

‘Til next time!