You’re Invited to a Wildly Fun Book Club, a la Bob Goff, Monday 1/22! (**PLUS FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY Opportunity !**)

Friends!  Call up your friends NOW and invite them to what promises to be a boatload of fun next Monday, January 22nd, from 6:30-8:00 at Middletown United Methodist Church. It’s our first Book Club Meeting of the New Year!

We’ll be discussing Love Does—Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by the one and only Bob Goff.  Once you get to hear Bob speak, you can’t miss his inflections in his book. He depicts some kind of crazy in everything he does!

Louie Giglio says Bob is “a one-man tsunami of grace, a hurricane of love.”  Bill Hybels says, “If this book doesn’t make your heart beat faster, book the next flight to Mayo Clinic!” And in the Foreword, by Donald Miller, he says, “Where you and I may want love and feel love and say love, Bob reminds us that love does things….

“…It writes a letter and gets on a plane. It orders pizza and jumps in a lake. It hugs and prays and cries and sings. Much of what we’ve come to know and believe about love doesn’t ring true once you know this man whose love does.

Then for the next thirty-one short-n-sweet chapters, Bob will show you what Jesus with skin on looks like.  Some are hysterical, while others will cause you to fetch a Kleenex. Bob is so not about himself and all about others.  (“All the proceeds of this book are being donated to Love Does to promote human rights and education around the world. and also the Mentoring Project, These two organizations are committed to loving kids in tangible ways…”)

Don’t miss Chapter Seven, “Sweet Maria”, about Bob’s bride.  And while you’re at it, you’d also love Maria’s book, Love Lives Here—Finding What You Need in a World Telling You What You Want.  From the short glimpse of their relationship in Bob’s book, you’ll get the bigger picture with wildly fun details in her book. (I wrote about it last September.)

In each chapter you get to be Bob’s righthand man, hanging out with him, seeing him in action. You’ll get to meet  Bob’s Young Life Leader, named Randy, who did something so outrageous in the first chapter, you’ll be hooked and won’t be able to put the book down.

Check this out:

“What I learned from Randy changed my view permanently about what it meant to have a friendship with Jesus. I learned that faith isn’t about knowing all of the right stuff or obeying a list of rules. It’s something more, something more costly because it involves being present and making a sacrifice. Perhaps that’s why Jesus is sometimes called Immanual—‘God with us.’”

And with that, you’re jump started into the next chapter and the next and the next!  If you’ve not read the book yet, still come to hear the discussion at Book Club Monday night. Then maybe try reading a chapter a day for a month—31 days straight.  See if your conception of Jesus isn’t expanded, all for the better! It’s a beautiful experience! (FYI:  My three favorite chapters, if I had to pick, are:  “Friends, Welcome Home!”, “Memorizing Jesus”, and “Palms Up.”)

Meanwhile, come join us for what is sure to be a lively discussion at Book Club next Monday, January 22nd!  Please bring a healthy snack if time allows.  Since we’re into the New Year and by now have probably ditched our diets, let’s resume our healthy eating.  (I confess instead of granola or carrot sticks, I may bring carrot cake, but don’t tell anybody.)

We look forward to seeing you next Monday, January 22nd, from 6:30-8:00!  Happy to report the Connection Center is still available for January while the remodeling project looms closer and closer…

Please RSVP to Nancy Tinnell at (502) 245-8839.  And bring lots of friends! Everyone is welcome!

‘Til next time!

**Leave a comment in the next week if you’ve read the book or heard Bob speak before and tell us WHY you like his method to his madness so much.  You’ll be entered into a free giveaway of Love Does AND Love Lives Here you can either keep for yourself or give to a friend!**