10 Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World…

Friends!  How about an extra large dose of encouragement this week?  Couldn’t we all use some?

Please allow me to show you a new book by Dr. David Jeremiah called Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World:  10 Biblical Promises to Bring Comfort in Chaos.

FYI: This book will help guys and gals. It offers ten chapters, each with a word from a Scripture verse where Dr. Jeremiah expounds on the word and how we can apply it to our lives.  It’s akin to a survival kit. Study questions are at the end of each chapter to further help us readers, along with beautiful prayers. (I’ve underlined and highlighted most of the pages!)

Dr. Jeremiah tells us his goal for the book is to:

Given he’s patiently endured cancer twice among other challenges, Dr. Jeremiah is surely one to bring us comfort straight out of the Bible. He suggests we saturate ourselves in these Scripture passages so we’re prepared to hold on to hope even in the most disappointing of times. 

This book is timely as I’m in a waiting room as I type having now my fourth biopsy (a record for me) from a MOHS procedure which equates to A LOT of waiting: it’s not terribly fun, nor pain-free, plus I confess I’m an impatient patient, so I’m parking in Chapter 6 on Peace today!  (BTW, with MOHS surgeries,  one prays to be “One and done.”  Then for the 2nd biopsy, I prayed to be “Two and thru’.”  But…yet another biopsy—so I was praying to be “Three and free,”  oh, but that also and sadly wasn’t to be, so I’ve run out of sayings for “four”—wait, I know!  Maybe “Four and close the door.”  However, “Four and SLAM the door” may be more appropo’!!!!….Clearly I’ve been here too long! Stay tuned….) Good news is once you’re in the “all clear”, skin cancer is gone….until the next one appears…

We readers are given two passages with “workable strategies to gain the peace we crave”:

One is Philippians 4:6-7 which says,

Dr. Jeremiah tells us “Real prayer is a lifestyle of love for the Lord.” Being proactive is the best solution for our woes—making prayer our first  thought and not a last resort.  Today I’m comforted in that I have friends and family praying for me. 

The other strategy is found in Matthew 6:34 that says,

We’re tossed a couple of pointed questions to consider: (I need to have these emblazoned upon my forehead.  And now, upon my very large, bandaged forehead!!!!  Sigh…) 

“What’s the point of borrowing discouragement from the future?”

“Why do we ruin the only moment of existence we have by pulling trouble from nonexistent places?”

Yeah, those won’t bring any peace, will they?!

Another favorite chapter is #7 on Wisdom. It opens with:

I love what A. W. Tozer said, “The great people of the Bible and Christian history have had an insatiable hunger for God. He wants to be wanted.  Too bad that with many of us He waits so long, so very long in vain.”

My favorite part in the whole chapter is:

We’re instructed to seek God with our whole heart six different times in six different phrasings in Psalm 119. We’re told to:

  • Keep God’s testimonies with our whole heart❤️ (v.2),

  • Seek God’s commandments with our whole heart ❤️ (v. 10),

  • Observe God’s Word with our whole heart ❤️ (v. 34),

  • Entreat God’s favor with our whole heart ❤️ (v. 58),

  • Keep God’s precepts with our whole heart❤️ (v. 69), and

  • Cry out to God with our whole heart❤️ (v. 145).”

Therefore seeking after God is how we gain wisdom.  Dear Lord, help us to increase our hunger for you and your Word.

Did you know Vice President Harry Truman became President after President Franklin D. Roosevelt died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage?  That was only three months into his job as Vice President.

The newly sworn in President Truman “expressed his dependence on God for wisdom in the face of his new responsibilities.  He said, 

Just from the tidbits on these two chapters, you can tell how many pearls of wisdom and true, encouraging comfort in our chaotic world you’ll glean.  I won’t share any more as you’ll want to read these for yourselves. 

Before we close, let me also give you Dr. Jeremiah’s church’s website:  it’s Shadow Mountain Community Church and the website is:  www.shadowmountain.org. Our friends, Robert J. Morgan and Dave Stone, among others, have been guest speakers at this church, so you can watch a variety of messages for your enjoyment. 

Be praying about whom you may bless with a dose of encouragement from this book!  And run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore and grab Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World:  10 Biblical Promises to Bring Comfort in Chaos. (You can also go back up to the top of this post and click on the book title to immediately order.)

 ‘Til next time!


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