A Not-to-miss Invitation PLUS a New Book!
Friends! GOOD NEWS!!! I’m bringing you a super fun invite for anyone who’s interested (FYI: John will be coming to this luncheon with me as will many men.), PLUS a new book you’ll want to dive into immediately…especially due to the nature of this invite!
First, here’s the information about an upcoming Significance Luncheon on Wednesday, June 21st, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Southeast Christian Church in Fellowship Hall 1 (Downstairs):
A FABULOUS speaker and author, Michelle Ule, is coming all the way from California to share inspiration with us from not one, but two women whose faith was stalwart, steadfast, and jaw-dropping-astonishing just to name a few traits of theirs! She calls her talk: “Two Women, Two Devotionals—A Century of God’s Glory.”
See below flyer:
The new book I’m excited to tell you about releases this very week, on Tuesday, June 6th. Michelle will have books on hand to sell at the Significance Luncheon and she’d be happy to sign them for you. (I’m making a list of my friends to give this book to right now…)
So you can see from the above flyer the book’s title is Overflowing Faith: Lettie Cowman and Streams in the Desert, A Biography.
Before we get to the book on Lettie, you may wish to checkout my review of another book by Michelle (which she’ll also be talking about) called Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The Woman Behind the World’s Bestselling Devotional.
I bet many of you are familiar with Oswald Chambers’ devotional, My Utmost for His Highest and Lettie Cowman’s devotional, Streams in the Desert.
As I was reading Michelle’s new book on Lettie, I was amazed at how many things Lettie and Biddy (Oswald’s wife) had in common. Lettie and Oswald actually met on more than one occasion. (Oh, to have been a fly on the wall!)
Sidebar: Don’t miss yet another book which brought Oswald, Biddy, Lettie, and Charles comfort in their daily readings. Originally published in the 1800’s by Jonathan Bagster of London England, I first learned of this book from Anne Graham Lotz. See below:
Anne tells us her Grandmother gave this devotional to her Mother when she was a young child in China. Her Mother in turn gave a copy to Anne on her tenth birthday and Anne has followed suit with her children and grandchildren.
Anne calls Daily Light a “baton” (the race of life-the truth that leads to personal faith in God) to pass from generation to generation. (IDEA FOR ALL GRANDMOTHERS!!!)
So back to the book on Lettie: It is endearing to watch her pick up Daily Light every morning, always seeking the Lord and His guidance from His Word. Her strong and faithful prayer life is what propelled her out into all parts of the world to share the Gospel.
In the beginning, Lettie, a young gal from Iowa, met Charles Cowman, they married and soon felt called to the ministry (all of which is an only-God-could-pull-this-off-story), both ever desirous to share the Gospel. It was this young couple who wound up in Japan, founding the OMS (Oriental Mission Society), now known as One Mission Society.
As God would orchestrate, the OMS is located in Greenwood, Indiana, not too far from Louisville. This little tidbit is the very reason I was blessed to meet Michelle in 2019 when she came to the OMS to research Lettie Cowman. Several of us got to meet her and become acquainted with her and her assistant, Cat for lunch in early November of that year.
L-R: Yours Truly, Nancy Aguiar, Michelle’s Assistant, Cat, Michelle Ule, Liz Curtis Higgs, Sherry Leavell, Judy Russell, and Nancy Sleeth
Michelle is returning to the OMS in June which is why she so graciously accepted our invite to speak at the Significance Luncheon. The group hosting the luncheon is the Seniors from Southeast (and never fear if you’re not old enough, they’re very kind that way, and you’re never too old, regardless of your age!!!!). They host three Significance Luncheons each year. Notice the phrase “I can” is within the word, significance. A great message for all of us not to “retire,” but to press on.
I noticed in my review of Mrs. Oswald Chambers I made a statement that is also totally true of the book on Lettie: “Each chapter is akin to opening a treasure chest.” You will read with wide-eyed amazement and proclaim you’ll never complain again about anything given the lifestyle Lettie and Charles led all over the world, never giving up on God and all the miraculous ways He provided help to them..
After Charles’ death, Lettie had a hard time dealing with her grief. Because she’d accumulated clippings and quotations from various authors(151!), she began compiling a book, which would become Streams in the Desert —“a reminder that God provides refreshment and life even in seemingly barren hopelessness.”
The devotional quickly became popular and was later translated into many different languages. It was therapeutic for Lettie to write and it has proven to be very therapeutic for readers all over the world!
Deep down in her heart, Lettie knew Charles would want her to carry on their ministry (He even left her a note telling her to do so in his Bible!). We readers get to watch her do exactly that, all the while leaning hard on the Lord who held her up. Many sweet friends were also the hands and feet of Jesus, helping her cope.
Lettie continued to minister and speak all over the world—in fact you’ll flip over how she wound up in various random places, all beautifully orchestrated, of course, by our Sovereign Lord. A proficient pianist, Lettie’s music also blessed and encouraged missionaries and friends. Her gift for speaking inspired countless attendees. Ben Pearson said, “Her reading of Scripture is graphic and exciting…”
Michelle’s captivating writing keeps us readers wide-eyed and happily able to picture Lettie ministering away. After she became President of the OMS, Ben added, “A merry Lettie (could be found) stepping into her new role with aplomb. She entered the office every morning ‘like a page from one of her own devotional books, full of hope, faith, and love. Both laughter and prayer are as natural to her as breathing.’” WOW. That quote should be in all workplaces, right?!!!
On several occasions, finances were tight. Lettie never worried about money, always trusting the Lord to provide. You’ll be surprised more than once in the book at how these expenses are suddenly satisfied, sometimes to the penny! (One of many can be found in Chapter 20.)
Please take us up on this invitation and join us on Wednesday, June 21st! Bring your friends, too! It’s a win-win event: your $15 registration fee includes the opportunity to hear Michelle speak plus a Chik-Fil-A box lunch!
You’ll walk away inspired, your faith will be refueled, you’ll be blessed, and I predict, with a kick in your step! (If you read Bob Russell’s blog this week, your shadow will be longer…Smile.)
Contact Stephanie Dowell (note her email on the flyer above) and click on the link to register. You’re welcome to email me too if you have any questions: Elizabeth.hoagland@icloud.com.
‘Til next time!
P.S. If you want to get a jump on reading “Overcoming Faith: Lettie Cowman and Streams in the Desert,” you can RUN to your nearest bookstore, read what you can before the event (I predict you’ll finish the book as it’s quite a page-turner) so you can ask Michelle a question or two!
P.P.S. If you’ve already read thru’ the devotional “Streams in the Desert,”, you may like the sequel Lettie also wrote/compiled called “Springs in the Valley.” I didn’t know about this, so I just ordered it. (Because, of course, I need MORE books in this house!!!)
Michelle tells us that “Springs in the Valley” took inspiration from Psalm 104 and “the image of God using springs to nourish valleys. Her selections caution readers to look to God’s faithfulness to inspire their faith.”
Finally, let’s look at a beautiful quote from “Springs in the Desert” to close our time together (This comes from Zondervan’s 1997 hardcover edition):
“In life’s journey, God graciously provides oases of restoration where we least expect them. Mrs. Charles Cowman assures us no mountain is too high, no desert valley too parched for springs of life-giving hope and strength to reach us…flowing to us from an endless ocean of grace.”
Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the page above are “affiliate links.”