How Can We Have a Spirit-Led Heart?
Friends! I pray today finds you well. In my last post, I shared purposeful tips from Anne Graham Lotz in her book, Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion.
This week, we’ll get to hear from author, Suzanne Eller, in her book, The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith without Borders.
Many of you probably already know of Suzie from her work she’s done with Proverbs 31 Ministries. You can also check out her other books on her website as well as two different podcasts. At the end of this post, I’ll show you her newest book that just released this past October.
I learned of The Spirit-Led Heart from my sweet friend, Janet, in Naples. The ladies in her church are currently reading thru’ the book, a chapter a week, and discussing it. (There’s a Study Guide in the back of the book for that very purpose.)
While I know we’re not to judge a book by its’ cover, I confess I do, and IF there’s a Foreword, I also note who wrote it and IF that person is of note. Just sayin’….
Happy to report, speaker and bestselling author, Jennifer Dukes Lee wrote the Foreword to Suzie’s book. Jennifer’s written several books, It’s All Under Control and Growing Slow just for a few examples. Also checkout her website:
Her Foreword includes a beautiful prayer to the Holy Spirit. I was blessed to sit under Jennifer’s teaching at a She Speaks Conference a few years ago and she was most gracious to be one of my endorsers for my book. Small world, right?
After a particularly challenging season, Jennifer shares,
“I cried out to the Holy Spirit to be fire and wind and power in my life. I confessed to Him how I often ignore the person of the Holy Spirit…”
Then she adds, “…But that’s the way I have so often lived—as a self-reliant woman INSTEAD OF a God-reliant daughter.” Hello? Anybody???
Jennifer says Suzie’s book is “a heartfelt primer on exploring the wild and wonderful spirit of God.” She reveals Suzie will take us “on a terrific journey to encounter the Holy Spirit in a powerful new way.” Then follows Jennifer’s powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit I mentioned earlier (see p.11). NOW we’re off with Suzie as our guide in 10 power-packed chapters.
Early on, we learn “the Greek word for Holy Spirit power is dynamis, which is related to our English word dynamite.” Often in the Bible, we see where dynamis power “fuels the faith of the apostles.” That power, always points to Jesus. (See chapter 2: A Spirit-Led Heart is Empowered) See what it looks like to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Susie tells us to “ask the Holy Spirit to help you believe and to turn to him daily.” She adds,
Each chapter ends with four sections:
1 - “The Word”, where we’re given a pertinent Scripture,
2 - “Your Spirit-Led Promise” (in the case of Chapter 2, the promise is “Dynamis power reflects you’ve been with Jesus.”)
3 - “Your Spirt-Led Invitation,” and
4 - “Prayer.”
Another favorite chapter is Chapter 4: A Spirit-Led Heart Finds Direction. It opens with a lovely quote from Corrie Ten Boom:
Jesus’ one word, “Go!” propels many people, straight into “harsh conditions or harsh people who can’t stop them.” We readers get to see what happens to Peter, Andrew, Thomas, Philip, Judas (not Iscariot), Matthew, Bartholomew, James, Simon the Zealot. Don’t miss this chapter!
Here are my favorite sentences in the chapter where Susie is talking about all the folks listed above:
“They preach the word wherever they are and they plant the gospel in every circumstance…Their direction isn’t a place, but the privilege of spreading the gospel…
Around the table.
Face to face.
In sweet names of community.
And smack in the heart of adversity.”
Friends, don’t forget there are TEN chapters chock-full of not-to-be missed blessings for all of us readers. I highly recommend it for Bible study groups or a book club! RUN, DON’T WALK, to your nearest bookstore and grab this book. Plus…
Here’s Suzie’s newest book: Prayer Starters: Talking with God About Hard Times
‘Til next time!
Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the page above are “affiliate links.”