You’re Invited to an Inspirational and Educational Luncheon August 23rd!
Friends! In just two weeks, on Wednesday, August 23rd, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., a very gifted author/preacher/teacher/speaker you-name-it is driving in from Nashville to be with us at Southeast Christian Church. His name is Robert J. Morgan (“Rob”).
You’re invited and please bring a friend or two or ten with you! You will be blessed and inspired, PLUS, I guarantee you’ll learn a thing or two or ten. (Is there a theme here???). I’ve got more info you’ll enjoy on Rob in just a minute…
On Wednesday, August 23rd, (I’m repeating the date for emphasis!) the Seniors are hosting their third of three Significance Luncheons. John and I will have attended all three this year. We’ve learned you do not want to miss any of these! (Therefore, be on the look out for the series next year!)
These luncheons are called “Significance Luncheons” because the seniors believe with all their hearts, they still have a LOT to offer, many ways to still be significant, and you’d better bet each gathering runneth over with encouragement.
To register: You can either scan the QR code in the above picture, or you may contact Stephanie Dowell and she will help you. Her phone number is: (502) 253-8045. Your $15 registration also includes a delicious Chick-Fil-A box lunch (You can choose a sandwich or a salad).
Now, a few intriguing tidbits on our speaker: Rob Morgan is much like our former pastor, Bob Russell. They are kindred spirits and I’m beyond excited to get to introduce them to each other! (Additional fun fact: Bob and Judy will also be joining us!)
Rob and Bob have both pastored their church for 40+ years, they both have written a lot of books, and they are still preaching and teaching all over the country.
Rob will be sharing bits and pieces from his newest book, The Mediterranean Sea Rules: The Same God Who Governs the Weather Can Guide You Through the Storms (10 God-Given Strategies for Navigating Life’s Tempestuous Sea).
Another fun fact: Rob’s book isn’t officially out yet, but he’s bringing ADVANCE COPIES you can buy and ask him to sign. The book doesn’t release until October, so this is extra exciting!
I’ll share with you my favorite part of the book so far, and then will give you some resources Rob shares weekly and daily to keep your faith revived.
Rule #4, Let Divine Grace Hold You Together, has a fascinating nugget revealed in it. We’re in Acts 27 and Paul’s ship is about to sink, or so it seems. This is where they’re trying to “pass ropes under the ship to hold it together…”
“…they used helps undergirding the ship.” Acts 27:17, KJV
We learn from Rob, “The word for “ropes” is boetheia (pronounced Bo-a-tha’-a). This isn’t the common Greek word for ‘ropes.’ Boetheia literally means ‘helps’ as we see in the KJV…”
Okay, now hold on to your hats. Rob continues: “This word boetheia occurs only two times in the New Testament: here and in Hebrews 4:16 which says,
Listen to Rob’s conclusion:
“Just as the sailors encompassed the hull of their ship with ropes to keep it from falling apart, so too God wraps the cords of His grace around us to keep us from doing the same.”
Don’t miss the rest of the lesson and the meaning of “undergird” in Chapter 4. One of many pearls revealed is we’re reminded we can find God’s undergirding steadiness at the throne of grace. Each of the ten rules have 2-3 chapters and include study questions which would be perfect for your Bible study or small group.
Two more items you may be interested in is Rob gives a free, weekly podcast as well as a daily 59-second sermon on Instagram. The links below will take you to them.
Weekly podcast: Robert J. Morgan podcast
Daily 59 second sermon on Instagram: robertjmorganministries
The Promise: God Works All Things Together for Your Good
Finally, the above two books will also be discussed briefly by my friend, Sherry Leavell, and myself because they both have fun testimonies/God-incidences showing the Lord works everywhere and in every detail.
Friends, you do NOT want to miss this lunch gathering! Please join us and bring some friends with you!
‘Til next time!
Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the page above are “affiliate links.”